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Love is in the Air

Dress Love ❤️ Valentines

Hello fashionistas!
We are officially in the month of love and of course like every fashionista we love to change up our look. It's a new year so there's nothing wrong with trying new shades and new things. Some of you may still be experiencing a bit of the cold weather mixed in with a few warm days that's OK there's nothing wrong with a nice blouse with a solid color sweater thrown over it , this will get you through the day. Don't think it's cliché to buy into some of the red and white that you may see around in the stores, a nice red top, beige bottom, and either red or a neutral pair of shoes always gets the look complete. Don't forget about those accessories that always make your ensemble stand out. Although the month of February is normally centered around the love of your significant other, I find it a perfect time to make sure You're given yourself the experience of self-love. This month make sure you treat yourself to a new wardrobe, maybe even a spa day, take a break from the kids, or even just going out with the girlfriends.
Happy Love Month!!!

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